Local Hotels
Conveniently located to serve San Francisco, Walnut Creek, and the Bay Area, SF
These hotels are near our San Francisco office and convenient to the hospital.
San Francisco Marriott Union Square
480 Sutter St., San Francisco 415 398-8900 www.marriott.com
Sir Francis Drake Hotel
450 Powell St., San Francisco 415 392-7755 www.sirfrancisdrake.com
Westin St. Francis
335 Powell St., San Francisco 415 397-7000 www.westinstfrancis.com
Hotel Carlton
1075 Sutter St., San Francisco 415 673-0242 www.jdvhotels.com/hotel-carlton
Nob Hill Hotel
835 Hyde St., San Francisco 415 885-2987 www.nobhillhotel.com
Verigo 940 Sutter St., San Francisco 415 885-6800 www.haiyi-hotels.com/hotelvertigosf