When Can I Resume Doing Yoga After My Face or Neck Lift?
Published on March 22, 2018 by Andrew Barnett
There’s no question that yoga is a great way to stay fit. It can also be a fun social activity so it’s understandable that many of my patients are anxious to get back to their routine as soon as possible. However, certain yoga positions can put a strain on your face and neck potentially lengthening your recovery time. I always encourage patients to listen to me first, then their bodies after any surgery, including facelifts and neck lifts.
Face and Neck Lift Recovery
Every patient has circumstances that can affect their healing rate differently. Your skin may feel swollen or tight for 1-2 weeks after your face or neck lift. Stiffness and limited range of motion can occur for 3-months post-surgery. I create individualized post-op instructions for each patient based on their lifestyle habits and the surgery they’ve just undergone. Patients who closely follow these instructions are more likely to have a successful recovery in a timely manner.
When is Yoga an Option?
When it comes to post-surgical exercise (including yoga), you should go slowly. Work your way up to your old routines until you are more comfortable in your movements. Your body will tell you when enough is enough. At 6-weeks some yoga positions can be performed. I recommend sticking to poses that avoid a rush of blood to the area such as ‘downward dog’ especially at first. These positions can prolong healing time and even lead to unwanted complications. Poses that make your face or neck feel like its ‘pulling’ are also not recommended. You’ll likely feel comfortable with more complex positions around 12-weeks after your surgery. Until then, Namaste!
Ready to look and feel your best? Schedule a consultation to talk about your options today. Consultations are available in both our San Francisco and Walnut Creek offices.You may schedule for either location by calling (415) 879-8735. Renee or Laurie will help you with the scheduling and answer any pre-consultation questions you may have!