What is the Recovery Time for Liposuction?
Published on June 25, 2019 by Andrew Barnett
Liposuction is the ideal procedure for men and women who are bothered by localized fat pockets that aren’t responding to traditional weight loss methods. Certain areas around the face, neck, and body are hard to treat with diet and exercise alone. While a patient may be nearly satisfied with their progress, liposuction can help them sculpt their final figure and give them a newfound sense of self-confidence.
Throughout treatment, I use the latest, most state-of-the-art forms of liposuction combined with advanced surgical skill. Depending on the area being treated and the amount of fat to be removed, you may be better suited for tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted, or laser-assisted liposuction. Thanks to modern technology, liposuction comes with many clear advantages for patients including minimal downtime.
What Can I Expect from Liposuction?
Liposuction is typically done on an outpatient basis. Some patients may need general anesthesia while others are comfortable with a local anesthetic which will be discussed at the time of your initial consultation. In some instances, liposuction can be done in as little as 2-3 hours.
During the procedure, small incisions are strategically placed for optimal fat removal. A thin cannula tube is then inserted, and fat is suctioned out leaving you with a more contoured physique. Incisions are opened and closed in a way that minimizes discomfort while also facilitating a speedy recovery.
While you can go home the same day, you’ll likely feel stiff or uncomfortable for the first several days following your procedure. Mild pain medication is prescribed to minimize discomfort during this time. Although some patients are ready to get back to work in as little as 3-days, I typically recommend waiting up to 1-week before getting back into your normal swing of things.
Liposuction Consultations Available
When Can I Start More Strenuous Activities?
More strenuous activities can be gradually incorporated into your routine as you feel comfortable. Bruising typically lasts about 1-3 weeks, and the majority of swelling will subside after about 6-weeks. A compression garment should be worn throughout the first week and at night as necessary to minimize swelling. During this time, it’s essential to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard otherwise you risk prolonging the healing process.
Every patient has a different recovery period according to his or her body as well as the location and amount of fat being removed. As a board-certified surgeon, I work closely with each patient to ensure an optimal outcome with as little recovery as possible. I’ll provide you with a post-surgical recovery plan that’s personalized based on your individual surgery and lifestyle.
Great, great and great. Dr Barnett is an artist. I trust his work and judgement. He knows how to turn your clock back naturally. The absolute best
Take the Next Step
Ready to look and feel your best? Schedule a consultation with Andrew Barnett M.D. to discuss your options today. Consultations are available in both our San Francisco and Walnut Creek offices. You may schedule for either location by calling (415) 362-1221. Renee or Laurie will help you and answer any pre-consultation questions you may have!
*Individual results may vary.