What is the Difference Between Liposuction and a Tummy Tuck?
Published on April 1, 2019 by Andrew Barnett
As a board-certified surgeon and body contouring specialist, I see many men and women who are unhappy with the physical appearances of their waistline. Excess fat and skin can lead to feelings of inadequacy, especially for those who are otherwise healthy, fit adults. Many patients turn to surgical procedures to address concerns that diet and exercise won’t fix alone.
Before jumping into surgery, it’s a good idea to learn a bit more about what procedures may or may not be right for you. While a consultation with an experienced surgeon is the best way to determine what’s right for you, there are some quick clues that may have you leaning towards one procedure over the other. Let’s take a look.
Ultrasounds-Assisted Liposuction
Liposuction is a procedure that’s been around for years. Since its early conception, there have been a vast amount of improvements to the procedure making it a less-invasive alternative that’s easy to fit into the busiest of lifestyles. Although there is some downtime, recovery is typically shorter and easier than tummy tuck procedures.
The goal of ultrasound-assisted liposuction is significant fat removal. The procedure entails a small incision allowing thin cannula tubes to deliver ultrasound wavelengths to liquify isolated pockets of fat. Patients can see better, faster, and longer-lasting results with ultrasound-assisted lipo.
Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Consultations Available
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
What liposuction can’t do is remove excess skin. A tummy tuck may be beneficial for patients who are bothered by sagging skin that protrudes or hangs. During the procedure, I’ll meticulously work to thin unwanted fat pads, remove excess skin, and tighten underlying muscles for long-term results.
Although tummy tuck surgery requires a somewhat larger scar, the results can be phenomenal for the right patient. I see many patients that are able to sculpt their ideal figure and regain a sense of self-confidence with the abdominoplasty procedures.
Combination Procedures
Not surprisingly, liposuction and abdominoplasty procedures are highly complementary. Often times, patients will opt for both surgeries to significantly reduce fat while also achieving a tighter-looking abdominal region. At the time of your in-person consultation, I’ll help determine whether you can best benefit from liposuction, a tummy tuck, or both. We’ll get you on your way to looking and feeling your best self with as little downtime as possible.
Dr. Barnett and team are amazing! Great service and care all while making you feel at ease every step of the way!! There’s a reason why Dr. Barnett has been practicing for many years! He’s excellent!
Take the Next Step
Ready to look and feel your best? Schedule a consultation with Andrew Barnett M.D. to discuss your options today. Consultations are available in both our San Francisco and Walnut Creek offices. You may schedule for either location by calling (415) 362-1221. Renee or Laurie will help you and answer any pre-consultation questions you may have!
*Individual results may vary.